Kali Linux 2016.2 Download For Windows

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution advanced penetration testing that is used for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments.

Kali Linux is preinstalled with more than 600 programs penetration testing, including a map (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet sniffer), John the Ripper (a cookie password), Aircrack-ng (a package of software for penetration testing wireless local area networks), burp suite and OWASP ZAP (both security scanners web applications). 

Kali Linux can run natively when installing on the hard disk of a computer, you can boot from a Live CD or Live USB, or can run inside a virtual machine. This is a supported platform for the Metasploit Framework Metasploit Project, a tool for development and implementation of security attacks.

Kali Linux 2016.2 Download For Windows
Kali Linux Setup

It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns Security offensive through rewriting BackTrack, the previous forensics Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. The third core developer Raphaël Hertzog joined them as an expert Debian.

Kali Linux is based on Debian Wheezy. Most use Kali packages are imported from Debian repositories.

Kali Linux is developed in a safe place with only a small number of trusted people who have permission to send packages, with each package is signed by the programmer. Kali also has a custom built core with a patch for injection. This was added primarily because the development team found they had to do a lot of wireless assessments.


Developer: Kali Linux
Size: 2.9 GB
Price / Price:  Freeware (free)
Operating System: Windows
Published On: Sep 05, 2016

Kali Linux 2016.2 Download From Developer

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