Tablacus Explorer 16.1.11 For Windows Free Version Download


Tablacus Explorer 16.1.11 For Windows Free Download

Jan 14, 2016- Tablacus Explorer is a file manager open source designed to help you organize the contents of folders.

Portable operation mode

The parcel includes both 32- and 64-bit versions of the program. No need to install the utility on your system, as it is portable. You can run it by opening the executable file and copy it to portable media devices such as USB flash drives.

Clean alignment function

The user interface is simple and is used to working with this program at any time. It's easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its support base with tabs.

Tablacus Explorer 16.1.11 For Windows Free Version Download
Tablacus Explorer 16.1.11 For Windows

See, sorting and other useful features

There are many customization options included in this program by the developer and all of them have proven to be very useful for users who need to view and organize your documents and folders.

You can select how the folders are displayed in the main window in terms of big, medium or small icons, details, tiles or content. It also has a built-in search engine that can help you find files and folders.

Moreover, you can select how the elements of a specified folder are displayed in the main window as to name, type, size, account name, attributes, attachments, authors, business fax, business and many other options.

Files and folders can be sorted or grouped by name, type, size, and date they were last modified. The application can automatically remember the settings if you close your account and allows you to copy or move items to different places and save the configuration XML file format so you can import data in the future.

Installing plugins

The program's functionality can be enhanced with the help of accessories, which can be installed directly from its interface. With the help of plugins that you can customize the mouse buttons and gestures, keyboard shortcuts, and the address bar, split a window frame 6, the operations of multi-process files apply and display the entire route.

Configuration settings

In addition, the application allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures. Compared with the graphical user interface, which seems intuitive and easy to crack, the panel configuration can leave users with less experience completely baffled. There are tips online you can count on to carry out adjustments, but still help manual thoroughly is needed.

Bottom Line

Overall, Tablacus Explorer is a useful tool that can help you manage your files and folders rather quickly. The multi-tabs that support really makes a difference because it is not necessary to maintain multiple panels open Windows Explorer.


Developer: Gaku 
License / Price: Freeware
Size / OS: 492 KB / Windows
Publish Date: Jan 14, 2016

Tablacus Explorer 15.11.02 Download From Developer

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