Chromium 49.0.2616.0 For Windows Full Download Latest


Chromium 49.0.2616.0 For Windows Full Download Latest

January 09, 2016- Chromium is an open source web browser project that Google Chrome - draws its source code. The project 's hourly Chromium snapshots are basically similar to the latest build of Google Chrome aside from the omission of certain Google additions, most noticeable of them: 

Google- 's brand, auto- update mechanism, click-through licensing terms, usage - tracking, and bundling of the Adobe Flash Player.

Download Chromium 38.0.2092.0 For Windows Latest Version (Update)

The Chromium Project takes its name from the element CHROMIUM (CR), which Chrome is a metal. Google- 's intent, as expressed in the developer documentation, was that Chromium will be the name of an open source project, and the final product name will be Chrome. But other developers have taken chromium Chromium code and released versions under the name.


Developer: Chromium
License / Price: Freeware
Size / OS: 83.0 MB / Windows

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