Adobe AIR SDK For Windows Latest Free Download


Adobe AIR SDK For Windows Latest Free Download

May 15, 2015- Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools you need to package and deploy Adobe AIR applications if you prefer working with a text editor or another development environment.

Using the Adobe AIR SDK will provide the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications including:

  • Template and schema for the application.xml manifest file
  • Default icons for Adobe AIR application
  • Framework for Adobe AIR APIs
  • Template for Adobe AIR application install badge
  • Command line Adobe AIR Debug Launcher (ADL)
  • Command line Adobe AIR Developer Tool (ADT)

Adobe AIR SDK For Windows Latest Free Download

What's new:

New Features:

  • Captive Runtime Support Android
  • Android developers now use the captive runtime exclusively to package their applications.
  • Preventing backup shared objects (IOS)
  • To meet Apple's guidelines updated only the user data can be backed up in iCloud. The files that can be downloaded or generated should not be supported and must be marked "DoNotBackup". This feature allows developers to control which files should be backed up or excluded by "DoNotBackup" attribute.
  • CPU force renderMode on some devices (iOS)
  • This feature allows developers to control how to do at different iOS devices. Using this feature can turn CPU developers providing for specific iOS devices and use GPU processing for others.
  • Loading external SWFs (IOS)
  • This feature allows developers to host externally sovereign funds and load when necessary. External SWFs could contain active play, different levels of play etc. Benefits of this function are the fastest boot time smaller applications and more control over your game or application.
  • API GameInput (Android)
  • This feature allows applications to communicate with devices attached game input (joysticks, gamepads sticks, etc). There is a wide range of game input devices which have different capabilities and controls. This API supports devices running Android OS version 4.1 and higher. It is implemented in a way that could work well with different (and possibly unknown) types of game input devices.

Notable fixes and improvements:

  1. 3520768 - [Android] the popup does not appear to accept the valid security certificate in 4.1.2
  2. 3499443 - [iOS] Java OutOfMemoryError the IPA package swf compiled using FlasCC
  3. 3514198 - [Mac] Error code 3343 thrown encrypted content to play
  4. 3504874 - Icons [Android] Android xhdpi (96x96) are not supported

Windows (all)

Developer: Adobe
License / Price: Freeware
Size / OS: 181 MB/ Windows
Published On: 15 May 2015

Adobe AIR SDK Direct Download Link

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