Download Chromium 36.0.1982.0 For Windows/Mac/Linux

May 09, 2014- Chromium 36.0.1982.0 For Windows/Mac/Linux: Chromium is an open source web browser project that Google Chrome - draws its source code. The project 's hourly Chromium snapshots are basically similar to the latest build of Google Chrome aside from the omission of certain Google additions , most noticeable of them : 

Google- 's brand , auto- update mechanism , click-through licensing terms , usage - tracking , and bundling of the Adobe Flash Player.

The Chromium Project takes its name from the element CHROMIUM (CR), which Chrome is a metal . Google- 's intent, as expressed in the developer documentation , was that Chromium will be the name of an open source project , and the final product name will be Chrome. But other developers have taken chromium Chromium code and released versions under the name .
Download Chromium 36.0.1982.0 For Windows/Mac/Linux
Download Chromium 36.0.1982.0 For Windows/Mac/Linux

Developer: Chromium
License / Price: Freeware
Size / OS: 86.0 MB / Windows/Mac/Linux
Published On:09 May 2014
Download Chromium 36.0.1982.0 For Windows/Mac/Linux

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